PE-Cyanine7 dye

PE-Cyanine7 is a tandem fluorophore that can be excited by a broad range of lasers including 488 nm, 532 nm, and 561 nm. Dye degradation is common if exposed to photobleaching, fixation, and higher temperatures. This is a bright dye often used in flow cytometry for low-abundance antigens.

PE-Cyanine7 dye dashboard

Initial brightness

PE-Cyanine7 dye is a near-IR fluorophore used primarily for flow cytometry. 

Photostability in buffer


 Bright488, 532, 561780/60565774 
Relative staining index

Laser line

Common filter set

Excitation max

Emission max

PE-Cyanine7 dye products

We offer PE-Cyanine 7 dye conjugated to a variety of antibodies, streptavidin conjugates and an apoptosis kit.

Antibody conjugates

Streptavidin conjugates

Apoptosis kit

Brilliant Ultra Violet™ 和 Brilliant Violet™ 是 Becton, Dickinson 公司或其附属公司的商标或注册商标,经许可使用。
