Pacific Blue dye i

Invitrogen Molecular Probes Pacific Blue dye is a bright blue-fluorescent dye optimally excited by the 405 nm line of the violet laser and with excitation/emission at 410/455 nm. Conjugates of this dye are strongly fluorescent even at neutral pH.

Invitrogen products such as Pacific Blue, Pacific Green and Pacific Orange dye conjugates can be simultaneously excited at 405 nm and emit at 455 nm, 500 nm and 551 nm, respectively, facilitating three-color analysis.

We offer Pacific Blue dye conjugated to a variety of antibodies, peptides, proteins, tracers, and amplification substrates optimized for cellular labeling and detection. In addition, reactive dyes and protein labeling kits are available so that you can produce your own antibody conjugates or probes.

Pacific Blue dye dashboard

Initial brightness

The violet laser–excitable Pacific Blue dye is optimized for use in flow cytometry applications, but can also be used for high-abundance targets in fluorescence microscopy. 

Photostability in buffer


Pacific Blue dye products

We offer a broad range of Pacific Blue dye products including protein and antibody labeling kits, labeled antibodies, bioconjugates, and more.

See all Pacific Blue Primary Antibodies
See all Pacific Blue Secondary Antibodies

Pacific Blue™ dye

Fluorescence excitation and emission spectra of Pacific Blue dye.

Pacific Blue reactive dyes

Select dye-labeling chemistries for conjugation with the following reactive groups: 

Pacific Blue dye protein/antibody labeling kits

Select an optimized labeling kit for your target antibody or protein:

Target proteinKitCat. No.
Site-specific antibody labeling
<1–20 µg mouse IgG1Zenon Pacific Blue Mouse IgG1 Labeling KitZ25041
<1–20 µg mouse IgG2aZenon Pacific Blue Mouse IgG2a Labeling KitZ25156
Conventional antibody/protein labeling
10–20 µg antibodyAPEX Pacific Blue Antibody Labeling KitA10478
100 µg antibody/proteinPacific Blue Antibody/Protein Labeling KitP30013
1 mg antibody/proteinPacific Blue Antibody/Protein Labeling KitP30012

Violet laser–compatible antibody conjugates

We offer Pacific Blue, Pacific Green and Pacific Orange dyes as well as Invitrogen Qdot probes for use with the violet laser. In addition to primary and secondary antibody conjugates of these dyes, we’ve developed kits for cell proliferation, immunophenotyping, dead cell discrimination, apoptosis, and cell cycle analysis—all aimed at helping you maximize the data you can get from your violet laser–equipped flow cytometer.

Excitation spectra (dotted lines) and emission spectra (solid lines) for Invitrogen Molecular Probes violet laser–excited Pacific Blue dye (blue), Pacific Green dye (green), and Pacific Orange dye (orange). The shaded area represents the emission bandpass filter (522/31) used for detection of the Pacific Green dye.

Brilliant Ultra Violet™ 和 Brilliant Violet™ 是 Becton, Dickinson 公司或其附属公司的商标或注册商标,经许可使用。
