目前,研究人员已掌握多种基因导入技术,可以将质粒 DNA、siRNA 或双链 RNAi、寡核苷酸及 RNA 引入真核细胞中,以进行各种研究和药物发现。 For more information on the most appropriate transfection method for your cell line and application, refer to our Transfection Selection Guide.


Invitrogen offers the most complete collection of cationic lipid-based transfection reagents with exceptional performance that can be used for plasmid delivery into a broad range of cells. Lipofectamine™ LTX with PLUS™ Reagent (Cat. no. 15338-100) is a plasmid DNA-specific transfection reagent that provides maximum expression with minimum cytotoxicity.

Viral Delivery Systems

有些病毒经过进化后可高效地将核酸传递到细胞中,因而成为一种将核酸导入难以转染的细胞从而对蛋白进行过度表达或抑制的方法。 Adenoviral, oncoretroviral, and lentiviral vectors have been used extensively for delivery in cell culture and in vivo. Invitrogen offers a variety of products used in viral-mediated transduction, including BLOCK-iT™ Adenoviral and Lentiviral Expression Systems.

RNAi 转染

RNA 干扰 (RNAi) 技术使生物学探索过程以及靶标的发现和验证发生了革命性的变化。 Using RNAi, you can turn gene expression “off”, or knock it down, to better understand its function and role in disease. High efficiency transfection is an essential first step for achieving effective gene knockdown. Invitrogen offers the most complete collection of cationic lipid-based transfection reagents with exceptional performance that can be used for delivery of assorted RNAi reagents, including shRNA and miRNA RNAi vectors and synthetic molecules such as siRNA, Stealth RNAi™ siRNA, and Dicer-generated siRNAi pools. 而且,针对许多常用的细胞系,已开发出了使用这些转染试剂的细胞特异性 RNAi 转染方案。

  • For more information and a complete list, refer to our resources on RNAi Transfection


For the highest protein yields in mammalian suspension cells, FreeStyle™ MAX Transfection Reagent (Cat. no. 16447-100) is a versatile and scalable transient expression tool for CHO and 293 suspension cell cultures. FreeStyle™ MAX Reagent is a proprietary, animal origin-free formulation for the transfection of plasmid DNA into eukaryotic cells that can easily be scaled up to produce large amounts of recombinant proteins. FreeStyle™ MAX Reagent allows the highest expression levels and transfection rates with lowest cytotoxicity in bio-production applications.

Neon™ 转染系统 (Neon™ Transfection System)

 The Neon™ Transfection System (Cat. no. MPK5000) is a novel, benchtop electroporation device that employs an electroporation technology by using the pipette tip as an electroporation chamber to efficiently transfect mammalian cells including primary and immortalized hematopoietic cells, stem cells, and primary cells. The Neon™ Transfection System efficiently delivers nucleic acids, proteins, and siRNA into all mammalian cell types including primary and stem cells with a high cell survival rate.