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音波を利用したハイドロダイナミックフォーカシング技術により、研究者は、大きな凝集細胞や細胞濃度の低いサンプルなど、より多くの種類のサンプルを従来よりも迅速、正確に処理できるようになったか、さまざまなアプリケーションのサンプルデータから見ることができます。Attune CytPix Flow Cytometerの高速カメラは、イメージングによる細胞形態のデータと、サイトメトリーによるマルチプレックスタンパク質発現データを組み合わせた、さまざまな新しいアプリケーションを可能にします。
ここでは、経験豊富なユーザーがシングレットを確実にゲーティングしました。CytPix装置の画像由来のパラメーターを使用してシングレットゲート(Manual Singlets)を評価すると、このゲートは>4%の凝集体を含むことがわかります。
Aged whole human blood (AllCells) lysed with ammonium chloride lysis buffer. Image processing was done using the Cells_Half_Resolution_v22 model. Statistics shown are % gated.
Accurate gating for sticky CEN cells. CEN cells were stained with PI per manufacturer directions (BD) and acquired on the Attune CytPix Flow Cytometer at 100 µL/minute. On a PI histogram, gates were originally drawn to include the shoulders on both sides of each peak (CEN gating strategy 1, top center), expecting that gate I would contain singlets, gate II doublets, and so on. However, images of doublets (left) were captured within gate I. Moving gate boundaries to the left to exclude the right shoulders for each peak (CEN gating strategy 2, right) effectively classified both single cells and aggregates within the correct gate.
この細胞株はAttune CytPix Flow Cytometerで解析していたため、研究者が画像をさかのぼり、少なくとも5日前の微生物感染が記録できていました。当時、初期の兆候は細胞片として片づけられていましたが、振り返って評価すると、培養中に問題のある細胞と特性を共有していたことが明らかになりました。感染を追跡することは、そのラボにおける、実験に不可欠な細胞株のスクリーニングおよび保護に対して追加手順を確立することに役立ちました。
Contamination of a Ramos cell culture. Ramos (lymphoma) cells in culture showed reduced cell counts and survival during a routine passage quality check, despite appearing confluent. Further evaluation showed microbial contamination, confirmed by imaging and backgating on the Attune CytPix Flow Cytometer (A,B). Early signs of this contamination (C) had initially been dismissed as debris.
Morphological characteristics of apoptotic cells. Jurkat cells were incubated with 10 µM camptothecin for 4 hours at 37ºC to induce apoptosis. Samples were stained with Annexin V and PI and acquired on the Attune CytPix Flow Cytometer at 100 µL/minute. From the singlet population, gating strategies identified three cell subpopulations. About 50% of apoptotic live cells (Annexin V+PI–, bottom right) showed some form of apoptotic body such as blebs. About 25% of apoptotic dead cells (Annexin V+PI+, top right) showed increased cell surface granularity, and there were more partial cells. About 10% of healthy cells (Annexin V–, bottom left) showed apoptotic bodies (though not as severe as those observed among Annexin V+ cells). These healthy cells were also morphologically diverse and included some doublets despite upstream singlet gating. Morphological features in the images are indicated by black arrows.
フローサイトメトリーは、複雑な集団内で細胞を同定するための方法であり、短時間で何千何百万という細胞に対してマルチパラメーター解析を可能にします。Attune Flow Cytometerの強力なシグナル分離は、細胞集団を免疫表現型別のためのサブセットに分離できることを示します。広範な試薬の選択肢に加えて、システムの自動補正モジュール、4つの空間分離型レーザー、14色の選択肢が、マルチカラーのパネル設計を簡素化することに役立っています。
以下のデータは、染色/溶解プロトコルを用いて、Attune NxT Flow Cytometerによるヒト全血の13色イムノフェノタイピングを説明しています。リンパ球、単球、および顆粒球の集団は前方散乱光(FSC)と側方散乱光(SSC)で識別し、単球、T細胞、B細胞、およびNK集団は、異なる免疫集団に特異的な表面抗原に対する蛍光抗体を用いて識別しました
Gating strategy for 13-color immunophenotyping analysis of stained human whole blood using a stain/lyse protocol. Human whole blood cells were stained as described in the application note and acquired and analyzed on the Attune NxT Flow Cytometer. (A) Dead cells were excluded from the analysis by gating on live (propidium iodide-) cells in a dot plot. (B) CD45+ gating was used to select the leukocyte population from the lysed whole blood. (C) Lymphocytes and monocytes were identified based on forward and side scatter profiles. (D) Monocytes are found above lymphocytes on the scatter plot and express both CD14 and CD33. (F) Within the lymphocyte gate, immune cells can be subdivided based on their expression of CD3 (T cells), CD19 (B cells), or neither (NK cells). (E) B cells can be further characterized by HLA-DR and CD45RA expression. (G) T cells can be further subdivided into CD4+ (T helper cells) and CD8+ (cytotoxic T cells) subpopulations, while (J) regulatory T cells express CD4 and CD25. (H, K) CD62L identifies naive (TN) CD4 and CD8 T cells, while HLA-DR is expressed by activated T cells (TA). (I) Finally, NK cells lack B cell and T cell markers (CD19–CD3–) and express CD56.
Download the application note for more information.
Imaging and measurement of PBMC cell populations. Cryopreserved peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were restored, rested for 1 hour at 37°C, and stained for CD3, CD19, and CD14 to distinguish T cells, B cells, and monocytes respectively. Samples were acquired on the Attune CytPix Flow Cytometer at 100 µL/minute. From the singlet population, gating strategies identified T cells (blue), B cells (rose), and monocytes (gray), shown backgated on an FSC vs SSC plot, and images of each subset were displayed. Integrated cell outline and measurement tools (red) calculated the areas of a representative monocyte (101.26 µm2), T cell (38.08 µm2), and B cell (64.77 µm2).
白血球(WBC)は全血細胞の約0.1%しか占めていないため、それより多い赤血球(RBC)を溶血して分離されることがよくあります。ただし、これは一部のWBCを溶解または変質させる場合もあります。アプリケーションノートの中で、RBCのヘモグロビンがバイオレット(405 nm)の光を容易に吸収し、WBCや血小板は吸収しないという特性を利用して、溶解していないRBC、WBC、および血小板を区別する洗浄なし/溶血なしのプロトコルを検証しました。これにより、Attune CytPix No-Wash, No-Lyseフィルターキットを使用して、青 vs バイオレットの側方散乱(SSC)プロットでRBCが右にシフトし、デュアルレーザー光散乱検出(パネルA)が可能になります。
ただし、CD45発現のためにWBCを染色すると、一部のWBC(ドットプロットでは薄い青色)が赤血球ゲートに現れます。さらに解析するために、Attune CytPix Flow Cytometerで、WBCと推定されるCD45+イベントを、イメージングするように設定しました。画像(パネルB)は、これらのイベントの一部(紫色にバックゲートされたドット)が、実際にはクラスター、小さな血小板、暗いRBC、または単一イベントとして分析された細胞の組み合わせを表すことを示しています。均質な集団と思われたものが実際にはより多様であり、これは結果を解釈する際に考慮すべき洞察ポイントです。
No wash/no lyse leukocyte analysis with imaging. Cells were acquired from 24-hour-old blood by dilution in 1 mM EDTA (<1:4000). Samples were stained with FITC anti-CD45 using a no wash/no lyse protocol and acquired on an Attune CytPix Flow Cytometer equipped with the Attune CytPix No-Wash, No-Lyse Filter Kit to allow dual-laser light scatter detection. (A) A dot plot of blue vs violet SSC shows separate regions for erythrocytes vs platelets and leukocytes. However, some CD45+ events (pale blue) appear in the erythrocyte region. (B) Gating and imaging on only CD45+ events shows that some events (purple dots) represent clusters, platelets, RBCs, or combinations of these or other cells.
さらに解析するために、WBCを示していると推定されるCD45+イベントをイメージングするようAttune CytPixフローサイトメーターを設定しました。画像は、これらのイベントの一部は実際にはクラスター、小さな血小板、暗いRBC、または単一イベントとして分析された細胞の組み合わせを表すことを示しています。均質な集団と思われたものが実際にはより多様であり、これは結果を解釈する際に考慮すべき洞察ポイントです。
Human PBMCs stimulated with Gibco Dynabeads Human T-Activator CD3/CD28 Beads. Image processing was done using the Cells_Full_Resolution_v21 model.
Annotated events are outlined in black with yellow dots indicating center positioning. Statistics shown are % gated.
Memory antigen-specific CD4 T cells are quite rare in the circulating blood, with frequency ranging from 1 in 100 to less than 1 in 100,000 depending on the antigen and normal range variation. Flow cytometry is an effective technology to monitor and identify rare cells among a mixed population of different cells types. Not only is it capable of rapidly identifying unique cell types, but it can also be used to analyze many other phenotypic features at the single-cell level, making it a valuable tool for understanding the immune system.
In this study, a viability dye (Invitrogen LIVE/DEAD Fixable Near-IR Dead Cell Stain) and seven antibodies, including CD137 and CD69, were used as a backbone panel to identify antigen-specific CD4 T cells using the Attune NxT Flow Cytometer, 4-laser configuration.
Five-color backbone panel for antigen-specific circulating CD4 T cells. (A) Two-parameter plots showing expression of CD69 and CD137 are shown for undiluted whole blood from a healthy donor that was cultured for 24 hours without antigen or (B) with PPD of Mycobacterium tuberculosis or (C) a CMV cell lysate antigen preparation. The cells were then harvested and stained with backbone panel antibodies including CD137, CD69, CD3, CD4, CD19, CD16, and CD14 with LIVE/DEAD Fixable Near-IR Dead Cell Stain for viability and analyzed on the Attune NxT Flow Cytometer. (D) Lymphocytes were identified using light scatter gates, followed by gating on (E) single cells, and then (F, G) dump channel– CD3+ CD4+ cells.
Download the application note for more information.
Attune Flow Cytometerの強力なシグナル分離は、細胞集団を免疫表現型別のためのサブセットに分離できることを示します。Foxp3 Transcription Factor Staining Buffer Kitを使用して染色したマウス脾細胞の3色イムノフェノタイピングは、表面マーカーと細胞内マーカーの両方を有するマウス制御性T細胞で優れた細胞集団分解能を示します。
Attune NxTフローサイトメーターにおけるマウス制御性T細胞の検出(英語)
(A)マウス脾臓に存在するCD4+ Foxp3+制御性T細胞集団(ゲーティング)(A、左パネル)と、アイソタイプの対照群(A、右パネル)との比較を表す二変量ドットプロット。細胞を、FSC/SSCプロファイルに基づいてリンパ球にゲーティングしました。(B)CD4+ T細胞をゲーティングし、CD25およびFoxp3発現について解析しました。マウス制御性T細胞の大部分は、転写因子Foxp3と細胞表面マーカーCD25を共発現しています。
Attuneフローサイトメーターには、Attune NxT No-Wash, No-Lyseフィルターキットまたは、バイオレットレーザーSSC検出用のAttune CytPix No-Wash, No-Lyseフィルターキットが付属しており、サンプル調製なしで全血中の血小板を検出するための堅牢なアッセイが提供されます。このシステムのアコースティックフォーカシング技術は、比類のないスピード(従来サイトメーターに対し最大10倍の速度)で研究を支援し、アッセイ時間を大幅に短縮します。
Dual laser blue (488 nm) and violet (405 nm) laser SSC with intact whole blood (no-wash/no-lyse). (A, B) Red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and platelets are separated on the basis of light scatter only by using a combination of blue and violet laser SSC analysis. Hemoglobin in RBCs readily absorbs light at 405 nm, shifting the RBC population to the right by reducing the SSC for RBCs in the violet SSC channel relative to leukocytes and platelets. Dual FSC and SSC threshold is set low enough to show instrument noise, ensuring the full platelet population is visualized. (C) Using the gate that includes WBCs and platelets, a standard plot of FSC vs. 488 nm SSC can be used to distinguish the platelet population from the WBCs with regions created around the two populations. (D) Using color-backgating on the same plot as previously shown in (A), the RBC population is colored red, the platelet population is colored green, and the WBC population is colored blue, while the noise is black. The three main WBC populations of lymphocytes, monocytes, and granulocytes can be distinguished. (E) Placing regions around the RBC, WBC, and platelet populations show the dominant cell type in whole blood is the RBC, while the WBC and the platelets are relatively rare events.
Download the application note for more information.
Attune Flow Cytometerを使用すると、サンプルを濃縮することなく、大容量サンプルをわずかな時間で簡単に解析できるため、全細胞の1%未満の細胞集団を信頼性の高い精度で検出できます(下記参照)。
Detection of rare ILC2 population in PBMCs
(A) Labeling of 1 x 106 PBMCs resuspended in 100 μL PBS (+10% FBS). The antibodies used were a lineage cocktail containing CD2, CD3, CD14, CD16, CD19, CD56, and CD235a conjugated to Invitrogen FITC, CD123-FITC, and CRTH2-Alexa Fluor 647 conjugates. The ILC2 cells are then defined as the lineage (BL1)-negative, CRTh2 (RL1)-positive populations. (B) CRTH2 cells expressing the chemoattractant receptor–homologous molecule expressed on Th2 cells. CRTH2 is a seven-transmembrane protein coupled with heterotrimeric G proteins. CRTH2 is the prostaglandin D2 receptor and is expressed by Th2 cells, eosinophils, and basophils. CD294 prevents the apoptosis of Th2 cells and mediates the chemotaxis of CRTH2-expressing cells to the sites of allergic inflammation, such as the asthmatic lung. (C) The ILC2 cells are defined as lineage-negative and CRTH2-positive. In this example, the ILC2 population is 0.016% of the parent gate. Data courtesy David Cousins, University of Leicester.
イメージングによって、免疫細胞間の相互作用を含む細胞機能の証拠を示すことが可能です。改変CAR T免疫療法細胞をRamos(リンパ腫)細胞と共インキュベートし、Attune CytPix Flow Cytometerで染色、取得、および撮影しました。第2象限の画像(両方の染色で陽性、単一のイベントとして取得)は、CAR T細胞が明らかにRamos細胞を標的にしていることを示しており、免疫細胞の効果が明確に証明されています。
Visualization of CAR T cells targeting lymphoma cells. CAR T cell and Ramos cells were labeled with CellTrace Far Red and CellTrace Violet respectively and incubated at a 1:1 ratio for 1 hour at 37°C. Unfiltered samples were acquired on the Attune CytPix Flow Cytometer at 200 µL/minute, >8 x 105 cells/mL. Images of quadrants Q1 (top left), Q4 (bottom right), and Q3 (bottom left) show individual Ramos cells, CAR T cells, and debris, respectively. Images from quadrant Q2 (positive for both stains, top right) reveal both cell types fused together, acquired as a single event as the CAR T cells engulf the Ramos cells.
Visualization of CAR-T cells targeting lymphoma cells. CAR-T and Ramos cells were labeled with CellTrace Far Red and Violet respectively and incubated at a 1:1 ratio for 1 hour at 37°C. Unfiltered samples were acquired on the Attune CytPix flow cytometer at 200 µL/minute, >8 x 105 cells/mL. Images of quadrants Q1 (top left), Q3 (bottom right), and Q4 (bottom left) show individual Ramos cells, CAR T cells, and debris, respectively. Images from quadrant Q2 (positive for both stains, top right) reveal both cell types fused together, acquired as a single event as the CAR-T cells engulf the Ramos cells. Percentages are % gated.
In the cell image galleries, annotated events are outlined in black with yellow dots indicating center positioning. Image processing was done using the Cells Half Resolution model by analyzing circularity versus skewness of intensity. This allows us to differentiate between attached cell interactions (between CAR-T and Ramos cells) and detached where cells are in the same field of view but not showing cell-to-cell interactions.
混合細胞集団からの希少細胞の分離をアシストする画像解析ソフトウエアの性能を実証するため、末梢血サンプルに1,000個の大腸がん細胞を添加しました。これらの非常に希少なイベントを検出するために、450万超のイベントを収集しました(実行速度は500 µL/min)。標的細胞(EpCAMおよびEGFR)を同定するマーカーに対してダブルポジティブのイベントのみを画像化しました。Attune CytPixを使用してこれらのダブルポジティブイベントを画像化することで、その多くは単一のがん細胞ではなく、予想外の形態のデブリ/凝集体であることがわかりました。
Colorectal cancer cells were spiked into healthy human PBMCs at a rate of 1,000 cells per sample. All samples prepared by Amsterdam UMC. Statistics shown are cell counts. Image processing was done using the Cells_Half_Resolution_v22 model.
Attune flow cytometers offer a fast, easy, and accurate platform to measure protein and gene expression. This includes viral proteins expressed in infected host cells.
In the data below, researchers were able to measure SARS-CoV-2 nucleoprotein expression in cultured human cells before and after exposure to SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 disease.
SARS-CoV-2 Nucleoprotein staining of infected 293T-ACE2 cells. (A) Uninfected cells and (B) SARS-CoV-2 infected 293T-ACE2 cells after 36 hours at an MOI of 0.1. Cells were prepared using standard protocols and stained using a SARS coronavirus nucleoprotein monoclonal antibody (clone 1C7C7) and anti-mouse secondary antibody conjugated to PE (Cat. No. P852). Data was collected using an Attune NxT flow cytometer equipped with autosampler. Analysis was performed in FCS Express 7.
ヒト多能性幹細胞(hPSC)を分化した細胞表現型に誘導できることは、個別化医療や再生医療に大きな可能性をもたらします。Attune Flow Cytometerは、幹細胞や心筋細胞のような脆弱で大型の細胞での使用に最適です(下記参照)。シリンジ駆動のシステムと大きなフローセルは目詰まりを防ぐように設計されているため、貴重なサンプルの損失を防止し、目詰まりの可能性を低減します。
Flow cytometry analysis of transcription factors during cardiomyocyte differentiation. Two-parameter plots representing staining profiles for Oct4 and Nkx2.5 in H9 hPSC cells during cardiomyocyte differentiation. All plots were gated on singlet cells. (A) At day 1, nearly all cells are Oct4+ and Nkx2.5–, consistent with a pluripotent state. (B–J) During the time course of differentiation, with data shown for each day of differentiation, cells lose Oct4 expression and begin to express the cardiac marker Nkx2.5. The precedence-density plot display is used, with the red-colored population representing Nkx2.5+ cells, and the green-colored population representing Oct4+ cells.
従来のフローサイトメーターでは流速が遅いため、非常に濃度の薄いサンプルを用いると取得に時間がかかる場合があります。Attune Flow Cytometerは、非常に濃度の薄いサンプルを迅速に測定できます(下記参照)。
Attune NxTフローサイトメーターを使用した、処理済み都市下水中の細菌の解析。
都市下水サンプル3 mLをInvitrogen LIVE/DEAD BacLight Bacterial Viability Kitで標識し、Attune NxT Flow Cytometerを使用してフローレート1 mL/minで解析しました。これにより、サンプルの迅速な解析と、非常に少量の細菌の正確な検出が可能となりました。生細菌および死細菌の濃度を、リファレンスカウントビーズを使用せずに測定しました。2パラメータードットプロット(ヨウ化プロピジウムvs SYTO 9蛍光)では、生(緑)および死(赤)の細菌集団が良好に分離されています。統計表は、標識細菌の濃度測定値を示しています。廃水には、小さな真核生物や、生存可能ではあるものの培養できないタイプの細菌も含まれている可能性があり、それぞれを色素で標識できる場合があります。灰色の点は廃水中で観察された残留物を表しています。
大腸菌細胞を長時間インキュベートすると、単細胞に類似した短いCFUと、不完全な分裂環を持つ伸長構造の2種類のコロニー形成ユニット(CFU)に成長し、各細胞のおおよその長さで不完全な収縮を示します。従来のシングレットゲート(SSC-A vs SSC-H)でも、蛍光ゲート(SSC vs 核染色)でも、これらの集団を十分に分離しません。しかし、Attune CytPixイメージング強化型のフローサイトメーターを使用すると、画像を表示およびグループ化し、その形態特性に基づいてCFUタイプをゲートできます。
Discrimination of two E. coli CFU types. E. coli cells were incubated overnight at 37ºC followed by 3 days at 4ºC. Samples were acquired on the Attune CytPix Flow Cytometer at 100 µL/minute. From the images, two types of CFUs were identified: (A) short colonies resembling single cells and (B) elongated structures with incomplete fission rings. Representative images from each population are shown. Backgating on the selected images demonstrated that the two populations are distinct on FSC vs SSC dot plots (orange dots, left).
フローサイトメトリーは、シンプル、迅速、かつ正確で信頼性の高い方法を提供するため、植物ホモジネート中のC値(核DNA含有量)を確認するための最適な選択肢となり、植物生物学においてフローサイトメトリーの使用が急速に増加しました。Attune Flow Cytometerは、DNA含有量の評価に最適です。もっともお手頃価格のシングルレーザーシステムなど、どの標準構成でも使用できます。
Data were collected from plant nuclei prepared from A. thaliana Col-1 leaf tissue and labeled with FxCycle PI/RNase Staining Solution using the 532 nm laser. (A) Biparametric density plot of side scatter vs. FxCycle PI/RNase fluorescence, with a scatter gate surrounding the fluorescent nuclei. (B) Biparametric density plot of FxCycle PI/RNase fluorescence to gate on singlet nuclei. (C) Logarithmic histogram of FxCycle PI/RNase fluorescence of nuclei-gated population, showing multiple peaks corresponding to 2C, 4C, 8C, and 16C nuclei.
Download the application note for more information.
Screening for protein knockdown efficiency at multiple loci. Human peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMCs) were cultured, and T cells subsequently activated using Dynabeads Human T-Activator CD3/CD28 kit. Cells were then edited using Invitrogen TrueGuide Synthetic gRNA, TrueCut Cas9 Protein v2 and the Invitrogen Neon Transfection System. gRNAs targeting the human T cell receptor, Beta-2-Microglobulin and CD47 genes were designed using the Invitrogen TrueDesign Genome Editor tool. Cells were analyzed for editing efficiency 72 hours post transfection by flow cytometry analysis, as measured by functional protein knockdown at each locus. Samples were run on the Attune NxT Flow Cytometer and CytKick Autosampler. The overlay plots above were generated by Attune Cytometric Software. Each histogram is overlayed with the non-neon control. Monoclonal antibodies used were TCR alpha/beta (IP26) PE (eBioscience), Beta-2 Microglobulin (B2M-01) FITC, and CD279 (PD-1) (eBioJ105 (J105)) APC-eFluor 780, (eBioscience).
Flow cytometry overlay plots of protein knockdown in human PBMCs at the TCR alpha/beta, B2M and PD-1 loci. Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were cultured, and T cells subsequently activated using Dynabeads Human T-Activator CD3/CD28 kit. Cells were then edited using Invitrogen TrueGuide Synthetic gRNA, TrueCut Cas9 Protein v2 and the Invitrogen Neon Transfection System. gRNAs targeting the human T cell receptor, Beta-2-Microglobulin and CD47 genes were designed using the Invitrogen TrueDesign Genome Editor tool. Cells were analyzed for editing efficiency 72 hours post transfection by flow cytometry, next-gen sequencing, Sanger sequencing analysis and the genomic detection cleavage assay. The Attune NxT software was used for all figures and data analysis. Each histogram is overlayed with the non-neon treated control and each figure is data collected from a single well. Monoclonal antibodies used were TCR alpha/beta (IP26) PE (eBioscience), Beta-2 Microglobulin (B2M-01) FITC, and CD279 (PD-1) (eBioJ105 (J105)) APC-eFluor 780, (eBioscience).
Attune Flow Cytometerを使用したCRISPR編集細胞の解析は、編集効率を正確かつ迅速に定量化し、複数のCRISPR gRNAをマルチプレックスする場合に特に有用です。シングルセル解析、機能的なノックアウトの有効性、迅速で実用的なデータ、最小限のサンプル処理時間などは、遺伝子編集解析にフローサイトメトリーを使用する利点の一部です。
Attune Flow Cytometerは、蛍光タンパク質分析を念頭に置いて開発されました。このことは、複数の蛍光タンパク質や蛍光標識抗体(個別または組み合わせ)の容易で正確な分析を可能にし、最大4つのレーザーと16の検出チャンネルで構成できます。
Detection of multiple fluorescent proteins expressed in the same cell. 293FT cells were transfected with two plasmids, either by sequential delivery of each plasmid separately (top panels), or in 1:1 (w/w) mixes (bottom panels), using Invitrogen Lipofectamine 3000 reagent. Transfected cells were grown for 48 hr prior to harvest and analysis by flow cytometry. Samples were acquired using the Attune NxT Flow Cytometer at a flow rate of 100 μL/min, and a minimum of 15,000 events were collected for each sample. All major cell populations are detected: cells expressing one of the fluorescent proteins, both fluorescent proteins and neither fluorescent protein (percentages are indicated on the plots). Cells expressing the Fluorescent Proteins are easily distinguished from non–fluorescent proteins-expressing cells. (A) The 405 nm and 561 nm lasers were used for excitation of TagBFP and mOrange2, respectively. (B) The 405 nm and 561 nm lasers were used for excitation of TagBFP and mKate, respectively. (C) The 488 nm and 561 nm lasers were used for excitation of emGFP and mKate, respectively.
Download the application note for more information.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.