Table 14.5 FluoSpheres microspheres for blood flow determination.

Color (Ex/Em *)
Bead Diameter
15 µm 10 µm
Blue (365/415)F8837F8829
Blue-green (430/465)F8838F8830
Green (450/480)F21010 
Yellow-green (505/515)F8844F8836
Yellow (515/534)F21011 
Orange (540/560)F8841F8833
Red-orange (565/580)F21012 
Red (580/605)F8842F8834
Carmine (580/620)F21013 
Crimson (625/645)F8839F8831
Scarlet (645/680)F8843 
* Fluorescence excitation and emission maxima of the encapsulated dye measured in 2-ethoxyethyl acetate. All FluoSpheres microspheres for blood flow determination are supplied as suspensions containing 1.0 × 106 beads/mL (15 µm microspheres) or 3.6 × 106 beads mL (10 µm microspheres) in a unit size of 10 mL.
