Table 14.3 Summary of our lipophilic carbocyanine and aminostyryl tracers.

Cat. No. Probe * Features of Carbocyanine or Aminostyryl Tracers
DiI and Analogs
D282DiIC18(3) "DiI"Red-orange–fluorescent lipophilic probe; widely used as a neuronal tracer
D3911DiIC18(3) "DiI"Large-crystal form of D282 to facilitate direct application of crystals to membranes
N22880DiIC18(3) "DiI"NeuroTrace DiI tissue-labeling paste
V22885DiIC18(3) "DiI"Vybrant DiI cell-labeling solution
D384DiIC16(3)Shorter-chain DiI analog that may incorporate into membranes more easily than DiI
D383DiIC12(3)Shorter-chain DiI analog that may incorporate into membranes more easily than DiI
D3899FAST DiI oilUnsaturated DiI analog that reportedly migrates ~50% faster than DiI within membranes
D7756FAST DiISolid form of D3899 to facilitate direct application of crystals to membranes
D3886Δ9-DiI oilUnsaturated DiI analog that may migrate faster than DiI within membranes
CellTracker CM-DiIChloromethylated DiI analog with enhanced solubility in culture medium; potentially retained after fixation and permeabilization
N22883CellTracker CM-DiINeuroTrace CM-DiI tissue-labeling paste
V22888CellTracker CM-DiIVybrant CM-DiI cell-labeling solution
D7777SP-DiIC18(3)Anionic DiI analog with enhanced solubility in culture medium; potentially retained after fixation and permeabilization
D7776DiIC18(3)-DSAnionic DiI analog with enhanced solubility in culture medium; potentially retained after fixation
DiD and Analogs
D307DiIC18(5) oil "DiD"Much longer-wavelength DiI analog; useful in autofluorescent samples and as a second tracer in combination with DiI
D7757DiIC18(5) "DiD"Solid form of D307 to facilitate direct application of crystals to membranes
V22887DiIC18(5) "DiD"Vybrant DiD cell-labeling solution
D12730DiIC18(5)-DSAnionic DiD analog with enhanced solubility in culture medium
D12731DiIC18(7) "DiR"DiI analog with absorption and emission in the near-infrared region, where many tissues are optically transparent
DiO and Analogs
D275DiOC18(3) "DiO"Yellow-green–fluorescent lipophilic probe; widely used as a second tracer in combination with DiI
N22881DiOC18(3) "DiO"NeuroTrace DiO tissue-labeling paste
V22886DiOC18(3) "DiO"Vybrant DiO cell-labeling solution
D1125DiOC16(3)Shorter-chain DiO analog that may incorporate into membranes more easily than DiO
D3898FAST DiOUnsaturated DiO analog that reportedly migrates ~50% faster than DiO within membranes
D7778SP-DiOC18(3)Anionic DiO analog with enhanced water solubility; potentially retained after fixation
DiA and Analogs
D38834-Di-16-ASP "DiA"Yellow-green–fluorescent lipophilic probe; useful as a second tracer with DiI
D7758FAST DiAUnsaturated DiA analog
D2914-Di-10-ASPShorter-chain DiA analog that may incorporate into membranes more easily than DiA
* Probe is in solid form unless otherwise specified.
