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The fabrication of nanostructures and architectures with uniform dimensions is highly desirable for developing functional semiconductor devices. As these devices shrink, the fabrication of new designs and more complex structures, using novel materials, is needed to meet corresponding challenges. To this end, highly sensitive and advanced analytical tools must be used to detect the slightest electrical issues that can influence yield or performance in these more advanced structures.

As an example, analysis might include isolating electrical faults that cause semiconductor devices to fail at end-of-line tests. Defects, like metal shorts, opens, and transistor-level leakages, are localized in the failure analysis workflow to identify and troubleshoot failures, increasing overall device manufacturing yield. This helps to improve cost-effectiveness, and provides high-sensitivity solutions for detecting electrical failures.

Thermo Fisher Scientific 3D analysis solutions and workflows offer high-productivity characterization on a broad range of devices and sample types - from packaged die, bare die, to 150 mm, 200 mm and 300 mm wafers.


Semiconductor Device Packaging

Semiconductor Device Packaging

Advanced semiconductor device packaging requires new integration approaches and innovation in performance, power efficiency, area, and cost. See how Thermo Scientific failure analysis workflows provide fast, precise, and accurate time-to-data for device packaging development.


Semiconductor Pathfinding and Research

Advanced electron microscopy, focused ion beam, and associated analytical techniques for identifying viable solutions and design methods for the fabrication of high-performance semiconductor devices.

Semiconductor Failure Analysis

Semiconductor Failure Analysis

Increasingly complex semiconductor device structures result in more places for failure-inducing defects to hide. Our next-generation workflows help you localize and characterize subtle electrical issues that affect yield, performance, and reliability.


Physical and Chemical Characterization

Ongoing consumer demand drives the creation of smaller, faster, and cheaper electronic devices. Their production relies on high-productivity instruments and workflows that image, analyze, and characterize a broad range of semiconductor and display devices.


ESD Semiconductor Qualification

Every electrostatic discharge (ESD) control plan is required to identify devices that are sensitive to ESD. We offer a complete suite of test systems to help with your device qualification requirements.

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Memory Device Metrology and Analysis

Modern data demands are driving innovation in 3D NAND, DRAM and other memory structures. Our memory analysis tools and workflows offer high-productivity characterization so that manufacturers can meet performance, latency, and capacity demands.

Power Semiconductor Device Analysis

Power Semiconductor Device Analysis

Power devices pose unique challenges for localizing faults, primarily as a result of power device architecture and layout. Our power device analysis tools and workflows quickly pinpoint fault locations at operating conditions and provide precise, high-throughput analysis for characterization of materials, interfaces and device structures.


Yield Ramp and Metrology

We offer advanced analytical capabilities for defect analysis, metrology, and process control, designed to help increase productivity and improve yield across a range of semiconductor applications and devices.

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TEM Metrology

Advanced and automated TEM metrology routines deliver significantly greater precision than manual methods. This allows users to generate large amounts of statistically relevant data, with sub-angstrom-level specificity, that is free of operator bias.

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Semiconductor TEM Imaging and Analysis

Thermo Scientific transmission electron microscopes offer high-resolution imaging and analysis of semiconductor devices, enabling manufacturers to calibrate toolsets, diagnose failure mechanisms, and optimize overall process yields.

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Circuit Edit

Advanced, dedicated circuit edit and nanoprototyping solutions, which combine novel gas-delivery systems with a broad portfolio of chemistries and focused ion beam technology, offer unparalleled control and precision for semiconductor device development.

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SEM Metrology

Scanning electron microscopy provides accurate and reliable metrology data at nanometer scales. Automated ultra-high-resolution SEM metrology enables faster time-to-yield and time-to-market for memory, logic, and data storage applications.

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Semiconductor Analysis and Imaging

Thermo Fisher Scientific offers scanning electron microscopes for every function of a semiconductor lab, from general imaging tasks to advanced failure analysis techniques requiring precise voltage-contrast measurements.

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Optical Fault Isolation

Increasingly complex designs complicate fault and defect isolation in semiconductor manufacturing. Optical fault isolation techniques allow you to analyze the performance of electrically active devices to locate critical defects that cause device failure.

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Thermal Fault Isolation

Uneven distribution of local power dissipation can cause large, localized increases in temperature, leading to device failure. We offer unique solutions for thermal fault isolation with high-sensitivity lock-in infrared thermography (LIT).

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Sample Preparation of Semiconductor Devices

Thermo Scientific DualBeam systems provide accurate TEM sample preparation for atomic-scale analysis of semiconductor devices. Automation and advanced machine learning technologies produce high-quality samples, at the correct location, and a low cost per sample.

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As device complexity increases, so does the number of places defects have to hide. Nanoprobing provides the precise localization of electrical faults, which is critical for an effective transmission electron microscopy failure analysis workflow.

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Semiconductor Laser Ablation

Laser ablation provides high-throughput milling of semiconductor devices for imaging and analysis with electron microscopy, while still preserving sample integrity. Access large-volume 3D data and optimize milling conditions to best suit your sample type.

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Device Delayering

Shrinking feature size, along with advanced design and architecture, results in increasingly challenging failure analysis for semiconductors. Damage-free delayering of devices is a critical technique for the detection of buried electrical faults and failures.

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ESD Compliance Testing

Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage small features and structures in semiconductors and integrated circuits. We offer a comprehensive suite of test equipment which verifies that your devices meet targeted ESD compliance standards.

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TEM Metrology

Advanced and automated TEM metrology routines deliver significantly greater precision than manual methods. This allows users to generate large amounts of statistically relevant data, with sub-angstrom-level specificity, that is free of operator bias.

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Semiconductor TEM Imaging and Analysis

Thermo Scientific transmission electron microscopes offer high-resolution imaging and analysis of semiconductor devices, enabling manufacturers to calibrate toolsets, diagnose failure mechanisms, and optimize overall process yields.

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Circuit Edit

Advanced, dedicated circuit edit and nanoprototyping solutions, which combine novel gas-delivery systems with a broad portfolio of chemistries and focused ion beam technology, offer unparalleled control and precision for semiconductor device development.

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SEM Metrology

Scanning electron microscopy provides accurate and reliable metrology data at nanometer scales. Automated ultra-high-resolution SEM metrology enables faster time-to-yield and time-to-market for memory, logic, and data storage applications.

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Semiconductor Analysis and Imaging

Thermo Fisher Scientific offers scanning electron microscopes for every function of a semiconductor lab, from general imaging tasks to advanced failure analysis techniques requiring precise voltage-contrast measurements.

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Optical Fault Isolation

Increasingly complex designs complicate fault and defect isolation in semiconductor manufacturing. Optical fault isolation techniques allow you to analyze the performance of electrically active devices to locate critical defects that cause device failure.

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Thermal Fault Isolation

Uneven distribution of local power dissipation can cause large, localized increases in temperature, leading to device failure. We offer unique solutions for thermal fault isolation with high-sensitivity lock-in infrared thermography (LIT).

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Sample Preparation of Semiconductor Devices

Thermo Scientific DualBeam systems provide accurate TEM sample preparation for atomic-scale analysis of semiconductor devices. Automation and advanced machine learning technologies produce high-quality samples, at the correct location, and a low cost per sample.

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As device complexity increases, so does the number of places defects have to hide. Nanoprobing provides the precise localization of electrical faults, which is critical for an effective transmission electron microscopy failure analysis workflow.

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Semiconductor Laser Ablation

Laser ablation provides high-throughput milling of semiconductor devices for imaging and analysis with electron microscopy, while still preserving sample integrity. Access large-volume 3D data and optimize milling conditions to best suit your sample type.

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Device Delayering

Shrinking feature size, along with advanced design and architecture, results in increasingly challenging failure analysis for semiconductors. Damage-free delayering of devices is a critical technique for the detection of buried electrical faults and failures.

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ESD Compliance Testing

Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage small features and structures in semiconductors and integrated circuits. We offer a comprehensive suite of test equipment which verifies that your devices meet targeted ESD compliance standards.

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Spectra 300

  • Highest-resolution structural and chemical information at the atomic level
  • Flexible high-tension range from 30-300 kV
  • Three lens condenser system

Spectra Ultra

  • New imaging and spectroscopy capabilities on the most beam sensitive materials
  • A leap forward in EDX detection with Ultra-X
  • Column designed to maintain sample integrity.

Helios 5 PFIB DualBeam

  • Gallium-free STEM and TEM sample preparation
  • Multi-modal subsurface and 3D information
  • Next-generation 2.5 μA xenon plasma FIB column

Helios 5 EXL DualBeam

  • Low-voltage performance for high sample preparation quality
  • Ultra-high-resolution immersion-lens field-emission SEM column
  • Automated handling of 300 mm FOUP with EFEM (GEM300 compliant)

Helios 5 DualBeam

  • Fully automated, high-quality, ultra-thin TEM sample preparation
  • High throughput, high resolution subsurface and 3D characterization
  • Rapid nanoprototyping capabilities

Talos F200E TEM

  • High-quality (S)TEM imaging of semiconductor and microelectronic devices
  • Precise, high-speed chemical characterization with EDS
  • Dedicated semiconductor-related applications

Metrios AX TEM

  • Automation options to support quality, consistency, metrology, and reduced OPEX
  • Leverages machine learning for superior autofunctions and feature recognition
  • Workflows for both in-situ and ex-situ lamella preparation
Thermo Scientific Scios 2 plasma focused ion beam scanning electron microscope (DualBeam)

Scios 2 DualBeam

  • Full support of magnetic and non-conductive samples
  • High throughput subsurface and 3D characterization
  • Advanced ease of use and automation capabilities

ExSolve WTP DualBeam

  • Can prepare site-specific, 20 nm thick lamellae on whole wafers up to 300 mm in diameter
  • Addresses needs requiring automated, high-throughput sampling at advanced technology nodes
Thermo Scientific Verios 5 XHR scanning electron microscope (SEM)

Verios 5 XHR SEM

  • Monochromated SEM for sub-nanometer resolution over the full 1 keV to 30 keV energy range
  • Easy access to beam landing energies as low as 20 eV
  • Excellent stability with piezo stage as standard
Thermo Scientific Quattro E scanning electron microscope (SEM)

Quattro ESEM

  • Ultra-versatile high-resolution FEG SEM with unique environmental capability (ESEM)
  • Observe all information from all samples with simultaneous SE and BSE imaging in every mode of operation

Phenom ProX G6 Desktop SEM

  • High performance desktop SEM with integrated EDS detector
  • Resolution <6 nm (SE) and <8 nm (BSE); magnification up to 350,000x
  • Optional SE detector

AutoScript 4

  • Improved reproducibility and accuracy
  • Unattended, high throughput imaging and patterning
  • Supported by Python 3.5-based scripting environment

Centrios CE

  • High-performance circuit editing for 14-nm and above design rules
  • Superior milling precision and control
  • Advanced navigation and ion beam placement accuracy

MK.4TE ESD and Latch-Up Test System

  • Rapid-relay-based operations—up to 2304 channels
  • Advanced device preconditioning with six separate vector drive levels
  • Fully compliant Latch-Up stimulus and device biasing

ELITE System

  • Completely non-destructive
  • Quickly identifies defective component on assembly board for accurate dispositioning
  • Localizes defect in x-y with micrometer accuracy, with depth location accurate to 20 µm

nProber IV

  • Localize transistor and BEOL faults
  • Thermal nanoprobing (-40°C to 150°C)
  • Semi-automated operation

Hyperion II System

  • Atomic Force Probing
  • Localize transistor faults
  • Integrated PicoCurrent (CAFM)

Meridian S System

  • Fault Diagnostic with Active Probe Technology
  • Static laser stimulation (SLS / OBIRCH) and photon emission options
  • Supports both micro-probing and probe card device stimulation

Meridian WS-DP System

  • High-sensitivity, low-noise, low-voltage photon emission detection with broadband DBX or InGaAs camera systems
  • Multi-wavelength laser scanning microscope for scan chain analysis, frequency mapping, transistor probing and isolation of faults

Meridian 7 System

  • Dynamic Optical Fault Isolation for 10nm node and below
  • High resolution visible and Infrared light
  • High-yield sample preparation to 5μm widely available

Meridian IV System

  • High sensitivity extended-wavelength DBX photon emission detection
  • Standard InGaAs photon emission detection
  • Laser Scanning Microscope with multiple wavelength options

Celestron Test System

  • Wafer and package level TLP testing
  • High current TLP pulse generato
  • Can be interfaced with semiautomatic probers
  • Intuitive software for control and report generation

Orion3 Test System

  • Charged device model testing
  • Dual high resolution color cameras
  • Test densities to less than 0.4mm pitch


  • Testing per the latest industry standards
  • True system level ESD 150pF/330Ω network
  • 2 pin connection via wafer probes to any device

AutoTEM 5

  • Fully automated in situ S/TEM sample preparation
  • Support of top-down, planar and inverted geometry
  • Highly configurable workflow
  • Easy to use, intuitive user interface
Thermo Scientific Auto Slice and View 4.0 serial section electron microscopy software

Auto Slice and View 4.0 Software

  • Automated serial sectioning for DualBeam
  • Multi-modal data acquisition (SEM, EDS, EBSD)
  • On-the-fly editing capabilities
  • Edge based cut placement
Thermo Scientific Maps electron microscopy software

Maps Software

  • Acquire high-resolution images over large areas
  • Easily find regions of interest
  • Automate image acquisition process
  • Correlate data from different sources

Avizo Software
Materials Science

  • Support for multi-data/multi-view, multi-channel, time series, very large data
  • Advanced multi-mode 2D/3D automatic registration
  • Artifact reduction algorithms

iFast Software

  • Macro recorder for faster recipe creating
  • Runner for unattended overnight operation
  • Alignment tools: Image recognition and edge finding
Thermo Scientific Inspect 3D tomography software

Inspect 3D Software

  • Image processing tools and filters for cross-correlation
  • Feature tracking for image alignment
  • Algebraic reconstruction technique for iterative projection comparison

NEXS Software

  • Auto-syncs position/magnification between NEXS and Circuit Edit system for a more seamless user experience
  • Connects to most Thermo Scientific tools used for EFA, PFA and Circuit Edit space

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Electron microscopy services for

To ensure optimal system performance, we provide you access to a world-class network of field service experts, technical support, and certified spare parts.

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